CSPower Facotry : Complete production lines from Lead material to finished batteries.
With more than 18years experience, advanced technology and equipments, CSPower dedicates in the design, development and production of high quality lead acid battery for various market including Solar, UPS, Telecom, Electricity, etc. Its market covers nearly 168 countries and regions either by its own brand “CSpower" and “CSBattery" or by OEM business.
Located in a world-class, modern industrial park of 50, 000 square meters in Guangdong, China, CSPOWER's top of line facilities produce an annual capacity ofapproximately 2kk KVAh, to create more than 130million US Dollars annual turnover.

Lead Plate Producing

Batteries Test Machine

Battery Assembling

Battery Charging

OPzV Battery Charging

Material In Warehosue

Battery Silk Screen Printing

Batteries In Warehouse


